Monday, October 10, 2011


Hi.  I don't even know if anyone is left to read my blog.  I know, it's been awhile.  I have had some issues with my health, both physical, and because of that, some mental.  I haven't felt like my happy self in order to blog.  I decided today, I just need to get on with life and quit feeling sorry for myself.  Let's see if this works.....

I can't believe it's almost the middle of October already.  It's crazy how fast this month always seems to go for me.  Sigh...I love October.  I can't really tell you why - I guess because the weather cools off (I dislike hot weather), the leaves turn colors (but not as great as they do up North) and I just overall enjoy this season of change.  Of course, this season of change leads to the shorter daylight, longer darkness days, and naked trees, and colder weather.  When I'm in this house, I'm not usually warm in winter weather.  But I do enjoy winter weather - if I can be warm, and even if I'm out in it.  Yeah, I'm weird.  I once told DH that I'd go back to Upstate New York in a heartbeat, if we had the opportunity.....but our birthplace has not had great job opportunity for a long time, and taxes are higher in NY than they are here in VA.

At any rate.....I'm trying to pull myself back into the good place I like to be, even if DH sometimes thinks it's a bit of a place of denial for me.  So what, as long as I'm happy and I'm not hurting anyone else????!!!!!!  LOL

We went to the Apple Harvest Festival at Graves Mountain Lodge in Syria VA on Saturday.  I would have stayed the entire afternoon, listening to music, sitting in chairs (that we brought in the car, but DH refused to bring them out and sit them in the seating area near the music), just people watching and relaxing in the beautiful weather.  It did get a little warm for me tho - mid 70s - yeah, again, I know, I'm weird.  I love the 60s - music, weather, etc.  LOL.  Anyway, we walked around, then I wanted to sit so we did find a picnic table that had some empty space at it, and DH went to get us some food (after hitting the porta-potty).






The water is so clear and beautiful.  The creek is really shallow.  It was in the 70s (F) and people were standing in it.  It's just a lovely place.  Very nice and peaceful - even with a lot of people there!  Well, at least I think so.....again, I'm weird.

We didn't buy any apples - they weren't that great a deal, they weren't that great looking, and we don't use a lot of apples.  But, we did get a jar of their applesauce which is yummy!

I wonder if anyone can tell me why I spent a bunch of time trying to put a label on my photos in Photobucket, and when I download the photos, they show the label (writing ON the photograph) but when I add the photos, the writing disappears????  I really need a really GOOD photo program that doesn't cost $100 + !  Any advice?

So this is my try at getting back to a normal me.  I hope it worked.  Enjoy the photos.  It was a lovely day.  We have had some wonderful weather.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow and the next 2 days after that, but then another stretch of awesome Fall weather and I just LOVE it - well, except for my allergies.  I have NO idea why I'm suffering so much this year....a bit tired of it as it's difficult to enjoy the weather and being out when I'm sniffling, gagging and choking.  Well, there went THAT good mood, eh?  Sorry.



Judee said...

I was going to ask how you got your name on the photos. Don't know how to do that. Lovely photos. Cheer up, winter is coming.

MarthaVA said...

Huh, that's interesting that my name DID show up on the photos after all. When I first checked my blog after posting, they weren't there! Now they are. Go figure.

Judee, I used Photobucket, downloaded the photos to Photobucket, then I used the edit feature, added text, and saved the photo that way. Then I downloaded those photos from Photobucket instead of directly from my computer files.