Saturday, March 12, 2011

Life.......and other things

My heart goes out to the people in Japan, and those around the world that have family and friends there.  It's very scary.  Everything seems a little scary to me right now.  I'm not sure what that's about.....
My Aunt recently passed away.  I loved her very much, but probably didn't let her know it enough.  I tried tho.  That's all I can do.
My cousin, a daughter of the Aunt, is very sad.  She has some things going on in her life that are making it harder than just dealing with sadness about her mom.  I feel for her.  Very much.

My weaving.........isn't.  I am having a heck of a time warping.  Warping is where you take a big frame with pegs in it, and you wrap the yarn around the pegs, and you get them all in order, and that makes it so that you can thread the loom the way you need it, in order to weave.  I've been struggling with my warping board.  I now (I think) have that under control.  I'm doing a warp....but it's a huge warp.  480 ends.  Doubled in the 12 dent reed.  Thats the slotted thing that the threads go thru.  It's part of the "beater" which is the piece you pull forward, which compresses the yarn that goes across the piece, the yarn that is woven into the vertical threads.  That's what creates the fabric.  

I'm not even half way thru the warp.  It's a LOT of winding......and a LOT of yarn.  I'm beginning to think I'm NUTS!  Of course, if I'd just get a kit or two, I'd probably be able to pull this off, and not be so stubborn, or obsessed with doing this on my own.  One of my downfalls.....

At this point I have a very colorful warp on my rigid heddle loom.  I keep looking at it, and thinking, I wish it was on my floor loom....part of me wants to take it off the RH loom and put it on floor loom.

I think I just need to go up and tie it on the RH and start weaving it. It's so colorful, I need to start it to cheer me up.  Plain ole weaving.
Tomorrow I'll finish the warp winding.  I hope.  

I'm also going to buy some memory foam, twin size, to make a cushion for my weaving bench.  We'll see if that works.


1 comment:

Judee said...

Pics, where are the pics???